The Beerman Family
Following his wife’s death, Abraham Beerman, an immigrant peddler, admitted the six youngest of his eight children to the Home in December 1924. Coming from West, Texas, outside of Waco, the two-day train trip to the Home provided a big adventure for the children. Ralph, then 12 years old, later vividly recalled being too excited to sleep in the Pullman berth and watching workers maneuver the train cars onto barges to cross the Mississippi River.

Abraham Beerman with his children, from left, Morris, Mollie, Ida, Roy, David, Sadie, Sara, and Ralph shortly before the six youngest children entered the Home. David and Sadie exceeded the maximum admission age of 12 years, which the Home generally enforced.

Taken at the Federation’s summer camp in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, the photo at left shows Roy and Ralph Beerman with fellow Home kids, including Tony Lubow. Also taken at camp, the photo at right shows Fanny (last name unidentified), Ida Beerman, and Ida Crystal. Photos courtesy of Allan Garonzik, son of Ida Beerman Garonzik.