Bertha, Abe, & Sarah Rosenthal
In June 1913, Pauline “Fanny” Ettinger Rosenthal died while giving birth to a fourth child in Galveston, Texas. The baby also did not survive. They were buried in Galveston’s Hebrew Benevolent Cemetery.
The next year, Fanny’s widowed husband, Sam Rosenthal, admitted their three children to the Home, Bertha (11), Abe (10), and Sarah (4). In 1916, the children returned to their remarried father in Galveston, where he worked as a photographer.
Bertha married Matt Goldberg, a traveling clothing salesman, and relocated to El Paso. Bertha died in 1976 in Galveston at age 72.
Abe remained in Galveston, where he married, raised a daughter, and owned a bar. He died in 1969 at age 53.

Undated photo of Bertha Rosenthal. Courtesy JCRS.