Jacob (Dubinski) Dubin
By the time of the 1910 census, Henry Dubinski, a peddler, and his wife Rachel, had moved from Houston to San Antonio with their four children. Just five months later, Henry died. Rachel, with the support of San Antonio’s B’nai B’rith Lodge, admitted her two youngest children, 11-year-old Jacob (“Jake”) and 8-year-old Israel, to the Home. Rachel and her two daughters, Rose and Minnie, later relocated to New Orleans.
In May 1917, while in the Home, Jake celebrated his confirmation with fifteen peers in the Home synagogue with Superintendent Leon Volmer, an ordained rabbi, officiating. He played in the Home band and held several leadership positions in the Golden City, ultimately serving as president of the Brotherhood in 1920, the same year he graduated from Isidore Newman Manual Training School. At age 18, the board discharged Jake to his mother. Jake’s younger brother Israel, also an officer in the Golden City, remained in the Home until 1923.
In 1942, when Jake, who changed his last name to Dubin, registered for military service for World War II, he was working for Calhoun & Barnes Insurance Agents. He died in New Orleans in 1974.
Israel, later known as Jack Israel, married Josephine Normand. He died in 1979.

Jake Dubinski, senior photo, 1920, Isidore Newman School Pioneer.