Lillian, Celia, & Harry Goldberg
In May 1911, Loeb Goldberg admitted his three children, Lillian (5), Celia (4), and Harry (3), to the Home from Dallas, Texas.
Lillian, who served as a Big Sister in the Home’s Golden City program of self government, was discharged from the Home in 1920 to her father in San Francisco, California. Celia joined her father and older sister two years later.

Undated photo of Lillian Goldberg. Courtesy JCRS.

Undated photo of Lillian Goldberg in San Francisco, CA. Courtesy JCRS.
Harry remained in the Home until 1925, when he graduated from Isidore Newman Manual Training School. At Newman, Harry’s proficiency in typing (40 words per minute) earned him an award from the Underwood, Remington, and Royal Typewriter Companies. He also won recognition for his high scholastic marks. Following his graduation, he continued under the Home’s guidance for a brief period as a non-resident ward while living in New Orleans.

Harry Goldberg, Isidore Newman School Pioneer, 1925.