Sam Milkis
Sam Milkis, who was born in New York, was admitted to the Home from Memphis, Tennessee in 1916 at age 10.
In the Home, Sam was a member of the Boy Scout Troop. At Isidore Newman Manual Training School, Sam distinguished himself as the senior class’s best male athlete, earning his varsity letter “M” in both football and basketball.
In July 1923, following his Newman graduation, Sam returned to his mother in Memphis.

Sam Milkis at the Home’s summer camp in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, 1919. Courtesy JCRS.

Sam Milkis, Newman Pioneer, 1923.

Poem about Sam Milkis, Newman Pioneer, 1923.

Sam Milkis, seated at far left, with his Isidore Newman Manual Training School (“Manual”) Basketball Team, Newman Pioneer, 1923.
In 1929, Sam married Miriam Zimmerman in Memphis. By 1940, they were living in Chicago where they raised two daughters. After founding a trucking company, Sam later became executive vice president and general president of Standard Freight Lines.
Sam died in 1960 and was buried in Norridge, Illinois.